Friday, October 25, 2019

October 21 -25

Room 18/19 Weekly Blog

Homework: This is only work that was not completed in class. Please ask your child if they have completed their work. 

1. Study word lists for the spelling test on Monday. We focused on the Long I sound this week.
2. Complete your journal entry from Daily 5 centre rotation.
3. Science posters were due this week. Please complete if not done. They are currently displayed in the hallway.

Upcoming Events
- October 31st is "Orange and Black Day". We are not wearing costumes as students will get the chance to dress up for the Halloween Dance tonight!
- Last week of flag football next week
- No school Friday November 1st PD Day

*Journals- Students are starting to write their personal journals in paragraphs. We are going to put more emphasis on paragraph writing in the upcoming weeks.

*Word Work focusing on the Long I sound (spelling list: students choose if they want to work on List 1 or List 2)

*Author Study
We are continuing our non-fiction writing project on an author of our choice. Next week we will be using our research to create a Google Doc presentation to share what we learned about our favorite authors.

What author are you researching and why did you choose that author? What is the most interesting thing you learned about that author so far?

* Students explored a new website that connects directly to their learning. Show a family member what literacy game you played this week.


Question: Can you represent 2019 in 5 ways?

1. Standard Form
2. Number Words
3. Expanded Form
4. Place Value Chart
5. Drawing Base Ten Manipulatives

If you find one strategy particularly challenging, let your teachers know on Monday!


Students reflected on their learning with a "Show What You Know" day for our Waste in our World unit. They completed a self assessment to express their knowledge from understanding and recalling little, to becoming an expert that could teach others on this topic. They represented their learning using pictures, diagrams/labels, and jot notes. It was interesting to hear how much information they retained from our "expert" visitor presentation last week from Mrs. Lyviak's husband Rob.

They pair and shared their posters that they created on the topic of their choice. We heard great conversations as most students stated they became an "expert" on their topic.




Question: Qu'est-ce que tu fait en automne?
Je sculpte une citrouille
I carve a pumpkin.

Je ratisse and saute dans les feuilles
rake the leaves and jump in the leaves.

Je marche dans la forĂȘt pour voir les couleurs de l’automne.
I walk in the forest and look at the colors of fall.

Je récolte le jardin.
I harvest the garden.

Je bois du cidre ou du chocolat chaud.
I drink apple cider and hot chocolate.

Je mets un pull.
I put on a sweater.

Je mange beacouup and dis merci pour Action de Grace.
I eat a lot and say thank you for Thanksgiving.


Quelle-couleur et dans ton citrouille? What colors are in your pumpkin?

Questions: What did you learn by doing your quick sketches? 



Question:  How did you make your pumpkin look 3-D?

Friday, October 18, 2019

October 15-18

Room 18/19 Weekly Blog

Homework: This is only work that was not completed in class. Please ask your child if they have completed their work. 

1. Literacy:
- Weekend Journal
- Word Work focusing on the Long E sound (spelling list: students choose if they want to work on List 1 or List 2)

2. Mrs. Lytviak's math group to represent a number in 5 ways
3. Social: No homework
4. Science: Waste in our World posters to be completed
5. French: Thanksgiving meal or just any meal (pictures/labels)

We started our “Daily 5” rotations this week. Students have 30 minutes at each center.

1. Read to Self
2. Read to Others- Guided Reading with teacher as well as Partner Reading
3. Work on Writing- Students have begun an Author Study on an Author of their choice
4. Wordwork- See the picture in homework section for the words. Students will be tested on Monday to “show what they know”
5. Technology- Working to improve their typing skills using and Typing Club


QUESTION: Ask your child if one of these was their book from guided reading and can they recall an interesting fact? If they had a different book, what was it about? Did they learn something new?




How far is 10 000?

QUESTION: Check out this website? How far is 10 000km from Ranchlands School? Where can you go?  Check out the website:

Representing Numbers to 10 000 in different ways

QUESTION: What are the 5 ways we can represent numbers? Show your parents how to represent a number higher than 1000 and less than 10 000 in 5 different ways?


Students finished their posters to represent their knowledge of "Waste in our World" topics. The topics of choice included:

1. Landfills
2. Recycling
3. Climate Change
4. Global Warming
5. Natural Resources
6. Renewable Resources
7. Non-Renewable Resources

They will be sharing their posters with peers next week.

We had a speaker, Mrs. Lytviak's husband, Robert come in to speak about energy and cars. He's an electrical engineer and passionate environmentalist.



QUESTIONS: How can electric cars help reduce waste and improve the air quality?
How does an electric car get energy? Are there some advantages and disadvantages to using an electric car?

QUESTION: What did you write or draw about the presentation (Pictures and Words)?

J'ai mange... (I ate...)

Questions: Qu'est-ce que tu mange pour Action de Grace/  Qu'est-ce que tu mange pour ton repas (What did you eat for Thanksgiving or for your meal)?

Question: What does a turkey say in French? Why do we sing French songs? What new words did you learn from this song?

Friday, October 11, 2019

October 7-10

Room 18/19 Weekly Blog

Homework: This is only work was not completed in class. Please ask your child if they have completed their work. 

1. Literacy:Weekend Journal, Word Work(spelling list), fiction and non-fiction collage

2. Math:Represent 15, 150 and 1500 in as many ways as you can, clown math problem #1 and 2 (Rm 19)

3.Social:Sit Spot (Nature connection)- draw, write, describe your spot and experience
4. Science: jot notes for science research on Waste in our World topic
5.French: snack with French label
6.Art leaf/ pattern water color

Representing numbers in a variety of ways. Using pictures, numbers, tally, graphs, etc. students worked in groups to show 15, 150 and 1500 in as many ways possible.

What role did you have in your math group? What was challenging about your role? What worked well? 

Students used their knowledge learned in class to choose a topic of interest relating to "Waste in our World". They've been working on a poster project using "non-fiction text features" to represent their learning. Students are including illustrations, photographs, headings, captions, etc to their poster. We will continue this into next week.


An important component of research is to collect information in an efficient way. Students are learning how to effectively write using "jot notes". We watched a video to break down the steps in taking jot notes at an elementary level.

QUESTION: Describe your research topic to someone in your household. Why did you choose that particular topic?


Another perspective: Sit Spots
Having a relationship with nature instead of just thinking of what you can take from it.

QUESTIONS:What connection did you make with nature? Where was your sit spot?

Collations Sante (Healthy Snack)

QUESTION: Qu'est-ce que tu mange pour ton collation saute? (What are you eating for your healthy snack?) Je  mange ... (I eat...)

QUESTIONS: What is the preferred drink for a healthy meal? Are fishy crackers/ fruit gummies considered part of a healthy meal? What about bean, eggs, rice, salad and apples? Why or why not?